What Does Intestate Mean?

Understanding legal terms can be challenging, especially when they involve estate planning. One such term that often causes confusion is intestate. Simply put, intestate refers to the situation where a person passes away without leaving a valid will.

How Are Assets Distributed When Someone Dies Intestate?

When someone dies intestate, their assets and estate are distributed according to the laws of local intestacy. These laws determine how the deceased’s possessions, properties, and other belongings are divided among their closest living relatives. The distribution usually follows a predetermined hierarchy:

  • Spouses and children are the first in line to inherit the estate.
  • If there are no spouses or children, the estate goes to the parents.
  • Next in line are siblings.
  • If there are no immediate family members, extended family members may inherit the estate.

Why Is Having a Will Important?

The absence of a will can lead to complications and disputes among family members. Since the court has to make decisions on behalf of the deceased, it can result in disagreements and delay the distribution process. This is why it is crucial for individuals to create a will. By having a valid will, you can ensure that:

  • Your specific wishes are respected.
  • Your loved ones are effectively provided for after your passing.
  • Potential disputes and complications are minimized.


Understanding what intestate means and the importance of having a will is vital for effective estate planning. By taking the necessary steps to create a will, you can safeguard your assets and ensure a smooth transition for your loved ones.

For more information on probate and estate planning, check out National Probate Services News.


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