Olga Izmaylova
First Name: olga
Last Name: izmaylova
Company: Atlanta Criminal Defense Team | Sabbak & Izmaylova, P.C.
Company Address: 1875 Old Alabama Road,Suite 510
State: GA
Phone: 4047937773
Zip Code: 30076
City: Roswell
Experience: 11 Years.
Designation: Managing Partner
I specialize in criminal defense. I have never practiced any other type of law and, honestly, I don’t think I ever will. My mom always tells me that ever since I was young, I hated seeing anyone being picked on and I would immediately jump to their defense. My disdain for bullies has turned into my passion for protecting people’s rights and fighting for justice. Regardless of guilt or innocence, in my opinion, each person deserves to be treated with decency and respect. Nothing is more upsetting to me than watching prosecutors take advantage of vulnerable people. Which is why I believe it is my job to make sure that police and prosecutors are lawfully doing their jobs.