Glenn Tanner

Glenn Tanner
First Name: glenn
Last Name: tanner
Company: Glenn E. Tanner, Attorney At Law
Company Address: 901 N Adams St
State: WA
Phone: 5092446353
Zip Code: 99201
City: Spokane
Experience: 34 Years.
Designation: Owner


I’m a lawyer but I believe if conflict resolution is structured correctly it is likely that your best behaviors will be promoted and there will be less needless provoking of your fears. I’ve seen settlements shoved down confused litigants in mediation. I’ve seen divorces that have made bad situations worse and only benefitted the attorneys. I’ve been at hearings where it is obvious the commissioner has not read the paperwork and seen judge’s reach decisions that make both sides shake their heads. I have faith that with proper assistance clients are best able to determine what is just and reasonable.

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