Robert O'Hare
New York, 2nd Circuit, 3rd Circuit, U.S. District Court for the Southern, Eastern & Northern Districts of New York, U.S. Supreme Court
Robert A. O’Hare Jr. is a founding partner of O’Hare Parnagian LLP and head of the firm’s Litigation Practice Group. Robert began his highly successful legal career, spanning over 20 years, working on complex business and corporate litigation at top-tier national and international law firms. Today, he continues to litigate high stakes business matters. However, after forming O’Hare Parnagian in 1999, Robert began to represent people who were seriously injured or killed because of the wrongful conduct of others, mainly in response to requests by the firm’s clients and Robert’s colleagues in the wider legal profession. By applying his widely esteemed business acumen and commercial litigation skills to serious injury and wrongful death claims, Robert has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of injured people in New York.