Donald Jaramillo
Donald’s professional purpose is to specifically produce exceptional results for clients, while delivering distinctive and personal service. Donald has accumulated expansive knowledge of the real estate landscape that includes a comprehensive understanding of the complexity of a variety of different properties including: country, river, vineyard, and estate. He is a member of The Institute of Luxury Home Marketing and Leverage Global Partners for luxury real estate. Donald also holds an SRES Designation and US Probate Services Certification, specializing in working with the 55+ community and their specific needs, as well as working with attorneys, fiduciaries, and trustees with estate liquidation.
Delivering a distinctive and personal service experience is about positioning clients as top priority. In our fast-paced and demanding lives this equates to responding promptly to all correspondence, being attentive to the client’s concerns, communicating effectively to ensure complete understanding, and maintaining flexibility to accommodate the client’s needs. Donald’s commitment to his clients is this very foundation, and he consistently evolves to improve each client’s personal experience