Elizabeth Sorgen
One of the most sought after and highly respected brokers, Elizabeth Sorgen has been helpingclients achieve their real estate goals for more than 15 years.In addition to her superior market knowledge, personal integrity and world-class client service,Elizabeth has a remarkable capacity to take on new challenges and deliver successful results.This includes knowing the art of selling by pricing properties right for best results, as well asrecognizing opportunities throughout the communities she serves.Elizabeth specializes in helping buyers and sellers in micro-markets and niches. She isstrategic, a skilled negotiator, and employs state-of-the-art technology, creativity and socialmedia to research and market home listings. Her award-winning approach to service has beennoticed by the most reputable federal banks who chose her as a ‘Preferred Broker Provider’ torepresent them in the sale of their real estate assets. Her listings have been featured in TheWall Street Journal, Consumer Reports, and the Los Angeles Times.Elizabeth holds a bachelor degree in Communications. She is a member of several ‘CorporateOwned’ real estate organizations as well as the California and National Association of Realtors.She holds the highest designation in real estate, which is a Broker‚Äôs License, and is enrolled inthe CCIM Designation program, the highest achievement in commercial real estate. She is alsoa Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist (CPRES.) Elizabeth states, ‚ÄúI find great reward inguiding people and helping them to make the best possible choices to achieve their real estategoals.‚ÄùHighly professional and business focused, Elizabeth‚Äôs experience includes Luxury residential,REO, Short Sales, Probates, Receivership, Multi-Unit, 1031 Investments, Property Managementand New Construction. Visit http://www.ElizabethSorgen.com . facebook + instagram: @brokerc28