Kareen O'Brien
Arizona, California
Kareen O’Brien joined the Stewart Law Group in 2016 and has been practicing law since 2004. She spent six years with the L.A. County District Attorney’s Office in California where, as Deputy District Attorney, she was a Major Crimes Prosecutor. She prosecuted serious and violent felons, primarily those who had committed acts of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and assault. (She prosecuted and won a fraud case where Christopher Darden of the O.J. Simpson trial was defense counsel!) After leaving L.A. for Phoenix, Arizona, she became an active member of the State Bar of Arizona and later joined the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office as a Deputy County Attorney in the Sex Crimes Bureau. With hundreds of court hearings and over 40 jury trials under her belt, she knows how to uncover the truth and pursue justice. Quick to spot false allegations and expose ulterior motives, she went into private practice to continue assisting families in crisis and to focus on divorce and family law issues. Justice and fairness for clients has always been her top priority (and why “To Kill a Mockingbird” is her favorite book). Along with her domestic relations and prosecutorial background, she has experience in special education law, estate planning, and construction law. Empathetic to her clients’ circumstances, she is a great listener with a talent for explaining complex legal concepts in terms people really understand. Knowing that the most important issues in divorce are those involving the children, she understands how intensely emotional, stressful, and volatile family matters can be. When she represents a client in a case that involves an abusive parent, she does everything in her power to make sure the client’s child is protected and placed in an appropriate environment. In her free time, she loves reading, watching movies, building Lego kits, hiking, biking, camping, running marathons, and watching Cardinals games.