Matthew Crowther
Backed by years of experience, Attorney Matthew A. Crowther is dedicated to standing by the sides of those facing serious legal matters, including those associated with personal injury law, civil litigation, and criminal defense. Because he is passionate about helping those in serious need of aggressive representation, Mr. Crawthford has tried more than 50 cases to verdict. In every case, he fights to see that his clients obtain the best results possible in the shortest amount of time. Before joining Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C., Mr. Crowther attended the University of Wisconsin where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Philosophy and Political Science. Following his undergraduate coursework, he enrolled in the University Cincinnati College of Law where he achieved his Juris Doctorate in 2002. Currently, he holds memberships in various associations such as the Colorado Bar Association, the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and more.